Amiga Plus 1995 #1
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MagicClip 1.2 (5.8.93) © Franz.Schwarz@mil.ka.sub.org - Freeware
MagicClip is a shell utility for Amiga-OS2.04 or above. It provides
you with the ability to read text from or write text to any clipboard
The command line argument stencil is
The following are the arguments' meanings:
UNIT/K/N - the number of the clipboard unit you want to operate on.
Valid are numbers within the range 0..255. Default is unit 0.
GET/S - This switch enables the read operation mode. MagicClip tries
to gather text information from the selected clipboard unit and
writes it to the standard output chanel. If the accessed clipbard
unit is still empty or if no text data was found in it, MagicClip
returns Dos.warn (5).
FILE/K - This argument causes MagicClip to dump the contents of the
specified file to the selected clipboard unit as text.
PUT/F - This argument instructs MagicClip to write the contents of the
rest of the command line to the selected clipboard unit as text.
You may and must always specify exactly one of the GET/S, FILE/K and
PUT/F arguments, of course.
Whenever MagicClip fails due to any reason, it returns Dos.fail (20)
and reports the failure to stdout.
You can control MagicClip's output in the read operation mode with
two environment variables:
MAGICCLIPCHUNKSEP may hold the text that is printed as a chunk separator
between two printed IFF chunks. Default is a single linefeed (0x0a)
MAGICCLIPENDTXT may hold the text that is printed right after the end
of all clipboard text. Default is an empty string.
Implementation details: MagicClip makes heavily use of iffparse.library.
The enclosed source code may serve as an example for using
Since MagicClip is pure and brief, yet powerful, it's highly
recommened that you make MagicClip resident.
MagicClip is Freeware, i.e., it's freely distributable _and_ the
author holds the copyright on it. A word about the author's
liability: it does not exist at all in any way whatsoever. You use
this software definitively at your own risk.
MagicClip written and copyrighted, © 1993 by
Franz Schwarz, Mühlenstraße 2, D-78591 Durchhausen, Germany.
uucp: Franz.Schwarz@mil.ka.sub.org; Fido: 2:241/7506.18
Suggestions, criticism, flames, money, gold, disks, beer, chocolate,
nice postcards, e-mails, etc. are welcomed and appreciated!;-)
Franz 'Blacky' Schwarz
-Girlfriend Is Better - Talking Heads-